
From San Jose-Take Highway 17 south to Highway 1. Proceed south to Freedom Blvd. Exit and proceed left over the freeway. Continue approximately 5 miles to Corralitos Road. Turn left on Corralitos Road and continue approximately 1.5 miles to a four-way stop sign. Check the odometer on your car, Koinonia is straight ahead almost 5.2 miles up Eureka Canyon Road. We're located on the left side of the road up a steep driveway. There is a sign at the entrance.
From Salinas/Monterey- Take Highway 1 north to the Airport Blvd. exit. Follow the exit to the right and proceed to Airport Blvd. Turn left on Airport at stop light. Turn left at the third stoplight (Freedom Blvd). Continue on Freedom Blvd. for approximately 2 miles to Corralitos Road. Turn right on Corralitos Road and continue approximately 1.5 miles to a four-way stop sign. Check your odometer on your car; Koinonia is straight ahead almost 5.2 miles up Eureka Canyon Road. We are located on the left side of the road up a steep driveway. There is a sign at the entrance.
From Gilroy- Take Highway 152 to Watsonville. Turn right at the first stoplight past the County Fairgrounds (Holohan Road). Continue about 1 mile to the second stoplight (Freedom Blvd) and turn right. Continue on Freedom Blvd. for approximately 2 miles to Corralitos Road. Turn right on Corralitos Road and continue approximately 1.5 miles to a four-way stop sign. Check your odometer on your car, Koinonia is straight ahead almost 5.2 miles up Eureka Canyon Road. We are located on the left side of the road up a steep driveway. There is a sign at the entrance.